Growth Mindset Program for first year University students identifying as Dyslexic. – A research proposal.

The following is a part of my Post Graduate Diploma of Psychology research proposal and ethics application regarding developing and implementing a Growth Mindset...

Can Online Smartphone Addiction Caused by Operant Conditioning be Reversed? A Literature Review.

Online technologies, such as the smartphone, are pervasive across our society and are growing at a rate that exceeds our understanding of their implications....

Conclusion – Skate Punk Authenticity, Suicidal Tendencies, and the Music Video (Part 14 of thesis)

Evolving in Southern California in the early 1980s, this thesis discusses the subculture of skate punk as illustrated through the band, Suicidal Tendencies. Through...

1980s to the present: is skate punk still relevant? (Part 13 of thesis)

Skate punk became defined as a subculture through it’s implied resistance to the perceived mainstream of white middle class suburbia in which it maintains...

The propagation of authenticity in the Suicidal Tendencies music videos (Part 12 of thesis)

A distinctive element of new musicology from the period of Romanticism included the notion of authenticity. This is prevalent within the generation of punk...

Suicidal Tendencies and Southern California in the 1980s – boredom with white middle class suburbia? And Representations of ethnicity – a statement against the dominance and conservatism of white middle class America. (Part 11 of thesis)

During the 1970s, the Dogtown and Z-Boys skaters of Southern California created an inspired rebellion through their appropriation of Southern California suburbia. Youth unemployment...

Skate punk – what were they rebelling against? Suicidal Tendencies, Reagonomics and Socio-Political Conservatism of the 1980s (Part 10 of thesis)

What was the obsession with aligning and portraying themselves as an “outcast of society” (ST, “Possessed to Skate”, 1986) in the music video representation...

Rebellion signified – skate punk as a subculture (Part 9 of thesis)

Becky Beal in her essay “Disqualifying the Official: An Exploration of Social Resistance Through the Subculture of Skateboarding” quotes from a skater’s letter to...

Discussion of the music videos “Institutionalized” and “Possessed to Skate” (Part 8 of thesis)

Suicidal Tendencies best illustrate the ethos and representation of skate punk through several mediums: their lyrical content, their music genre, their affiliation with skateboarding,...

Analysis of the Skate Punk videos (Part 7 of thesis)

Analysis of the music videos: “INSTITUTIONALIZED” (1984) Both “Institutionalized” and “Possessed to Skate” were directed by Venice Beach filmmaker, Bill Fishman. “Institutionalized” (1984) was...